Branch Executive 2022
Current Executive
President Eric Hancock: (left)
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Br447 Executive: (right)
Front Row L - R: John Cormier - Immediate Past President, Eric Hancock - President, Shawn MacNeil - 1st Vice President, Karin Pennington - 2nd Vice President, Dan Watson - Treasurer, Marg Emery - Secretary.
Back Row L - R: Vanessa Barnes - Public Relations Officer. Carmen Martin - Executive at Large, Bob Chambers - Sergeant at Arms, Jon Neely, Malcolm Boczek, John McKechnie, Joanne Derry, Lyn Boczek Executive at Large, Ashley Rodgers - Sports Officer, Russ Lloyd - Sports Vice Chair.
Former Members
Past President Greg Stoud: (left)
President from 2001 to 2002. Sadly passed December 2022.
Greg was also a former member of the Corunna volunteer fire brigade and will be fondly remembered by many in our local community.